Do I need to extrapolate?
This just wouldn’t be r/flashlight without you and your M150’s.
The future is now!
The C stands for CALVES!
They just don’t quit!
Wait… Where are the crabs‽
🦀 🦀 🦀
I got your fix!
If someone could explain to me why they are sideways I would love to hear it! Until then he will just keep holding that pose.
I’d like to know too.
Oh, fun to see this community popping up. My favorite are the such vids of what some of those insanely powerful flashlights look like at night.
I didn’t realize the H16 was so small.
It really is. I know the H150 will end up being a little bigger but if pocket thickness is the main goal the H16 is doing a pretty great job.
Won’t save it from getting replaced though…
I’ve wanted an H150 to exist for a long time. I am excited for it.
Where the flashlight leads, so will I follow.