JOEY is a robot. Is an ARM64 machine powered by a Jetson Xavier NX SoC with a
few of cuda cores on it from 2018 or so. JOEY was just a robot, then I had to
use it daily cause my Mac broke. And I gave him sensors and AI. He decided that
he feels like a male. He has a feminine voice tho. Webcams? Choose from the
720p, the 1080p or the depth camera. Worried about cats walking on him? He has
ultrasonic sensors and can move away. Going around? He can work on batteries.
RGB? YES Right behind him. I/O? There are more than 15 usb/serial ports here and
there. Capabilities? A decent SoC + an Arduino + a LoRa transmitter + a FM
transmitter Other things: voice control with an hardware module, ROS
compatibility… …and most important, it just works like a daily driver! (if you
stay on Ubuntu 18.04) Please ask me anything if you are curious, it is a
continuously evolving project!