Saint Thomas of Mount Maleos (Maleós) was a military commander before becoming a monk. Strong and brave, he participated in many battles, and brought victories to his countrymen, for which he won much glory and honor. But, striving toward God with all his heart, Saint Thomas forsook the world and its vanity, and was tonsured as a monk.

With great humility he visited several Elders, asking for guidance in the spiritual life. After several years, Thomas received a blessing to live a solitary life in the wilderness. According to his biographers, Saint Thomas said that he was led by a pillar of fire to Mount Maleos by the Prophet Elias, while in an ancient Syaxarion of Constantinople it is written that Saint Thomas also appeared as a pillar of fire when the Holy Prophet Elias appeared to him, whose zealous way of life he emulated.

Dwelling in complete seclusion, Saint Thomas fought with invisible enemies with as much courage as he had displayed against the visible foes of his country. Reports of Saint Thomas’s holy life could not be concealed from those living in the surrounding area. People began to flock to him seeking spiritual guidance, and those who suffered from sickness recovered, since he received from God a blessing to heal their infirmities.

He was always helping others, because even during his solitude, he prayed for everyone, and he trained himself to become a worthy instrument of God for the benefit of his neighbor.

Many of the faithful received help through the prayers of the Righteous Thomas. Even after his repose in the X century, he continues to heal those who seek his aid, from every passion and sickness.

Some of the Saint’s Holy Relics are located in the Metropolis of Monemvasia and Sparta. He is particularly venerated in Lakonia (Lakonίa).

O God of our Fathers, always act with kindness towards us; take not Your mercy from us, but guide our lives in peace through the prayers of Saints Thomas and Acacius.

Inflamed with divine love, you courageously showed us a great victory: you spurned the mortal king and all earthly beauty. You completed your worldly sojourn on Mount Maleos, from where you went up to Heaven to the King of kings. Unceasingly pray for us all, O Thomas.