Archaeologists at the Calthorpe Gardens development have found over 18,800 artefacts dating from the Prehistoric Mesolithic, Late Bronze Age-Middle to Late Iron Age, and early Anglo-Saxon times.

Local residents have been invited to view the host of discovered artefacts at a free event taking place at Banbury Town Hall on Thursday June 6, at 7pm.

.The Orbit Homes site is now considered one of significant regional importance after experts Border Archaeology discovered the settlement and burial ground.

Handmade pottery and textile tools were found at the Late Bronze Age to Middle/Late Iron Age small settlement.

The remains of at least 52 people - as well as grave goods such as bead necklaces, pendants, personal objects and weapons - were found at the Anglo-Saxon burial site.

Alongside these findings, 9,310 litres of paleoenvironmental samples were also taken to shed light on the human activity of the past.