You know what’s fun? I just spent twenty minutes going back and forth with my wife about the ship of theseus, because of a meme lol
If you have a second conversation but something about it changes, is it still a Ship of Theseus discussion?
…and humans…
Unrelated, but do you actually put ranch on pancakes?
In all actuality it could be done well though. Pancakes don’t really taste like much, slap some bacon and some savory flavors into the batter and you’ve got something going.
This meme’s eyebrows are so high, they’re scraping the paint off of the ceiling when it walks.
That’s fucking amazing.
The parts of the ship that got replaced and burned or just decayed to dust probably got distributed around the whole globe. So the correct answer would be every square in every captcha ever?
But that’s the question - is that dust the ship of theseus, or is the ship made of the replacements the ship of theseus?
And am I the dust my dead skin cells make up?
Well fuck