A few things in the Subscriptions view:

  • It appears to sort in descending order by community name; be nice if I could control this
  • No way to refresh; I have to restart the app if I subscribe to a new community
  • evgizM
    1 year ago

    It appears to sort in descending order by community name; be nice if I could control this

    Woops, I must have flipped a “>” somewhere in the code, easy fix. What kind of control would you suggest? Sort alphabetically/top communities etc or something else?

    No way to refresh; I have to restart the app if I subscribe to a new community

    If you subscribe within the app it should update, but yeah good point. I’ll look at adding pull to refresh in the next build.

    • emmeramOP
      1 year ago

      I tend to look for communities by their name, not their title, so your sort by name works for me. What I’d like is the ability to specify whether it’s ascending or descending.

      In the UI, I recommend making the sort value the most prominent text in each list item. i.e. if sorting by name, make that the largest text.